Focus on blockchain technology: certified and secure, dematerialised diplomas

Published on May 27, 2019 by - Updated on 21 février 2020 à 16H48

Digital certification constitutes an important step in the digital transformation of higher education and its ecosystem. In order to offer always more innovative solutions to its clients, Kosmos, a member of EdTech, supports start-ups in the education sector.

In 2019, Kosmos chose to support BCDiploma, a start-up launched in 2017 by Luc Jarry-Lacombe and Vincent Langard. By creating this partnership, Kosmos wishes to offer its clients, a new diploma certification service using blockchain technology.


Falsified diplomas are a reality

In 2017, according to the Ministry of National Education, Teaching and Research, 30% of CVs sent by recruitment firms, mentioned Diplomas abusively or inaccurately. It is easy to falsify a document today. Up until recently, to guarantee the trustworthiness of diplomas obtained, a compliant, certified copy had to be requested from the issuer. Blockchain technology now allows a solution to be proposed for guaranteeing the authenticity without having to go through tedious procedures.


What is blockchain?

Blockchain is a technology that appeared in 2008 with the digital currency Bitcoin. It was introduced by an unknown person presenting themselves by the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto.

A blockchain constitutes a database which contains the history of all exchanges performed between its users, since its creation. This database is secure and distributed: it is shared by different users, without an intermediary, which allows each of them to verify the validity of the chain.

Its innovation comes from the fact that this solution operates without a central control element which prevents pirating. Each user can, at any moment, using a cryptographic system, check the validity of the information, add data and record the transaction.There are public blockchains, open to all, and private blockchains whose access and use is limited to a certain number of stakeholders.

 Blockchain is a incorruptible digital journal of economic transactions which can be programmed to register not only financial transactions but potentially, anything of value. 
Don & Alex Tapscott, authors, Blockchain Revolution (2016)

Moreover, blockchain today is a technology which has also found its place in the world of education.


Blockchain guarantees dematerialised, certified and secure diplomas

For the establishment that issues the diploma, dematerialisation produces real savings by eliminating the management of diplomas in paper format. It also saves in efficiency by automating the delivery of diplomas; students receive a unique, long-lasting URL and the school delivers declarations upon request.

Blockchain ensures the authenticity of the diploma. The BCDiploma company guarantees the encryption and storage of diploma data on the blockchain-based platform Ethereum. The diploma is thus secured and cannot be falsified.

The recipient of the diploma has the guarantee of enduring nature of their diploma, which can be easily authenticated. With their unique URL, it distributes their diploma online, via their CV or professional social networks like LinkedIn.

With a single click, hiring personnel can then verify than the candidate has indeed received the diploma within the issuing school or university and that the diploma is indeed compliant.