The French High School of the Hague-Amsterdam ensures teaching and administrative continuity with Skolengo

Published on May 19, 2020 by - Updated on 27 juillet 2020 à 15H56

The educational consortium of the French Vincent Van Gogh High School The Hague-Amsterdam (AEFE network) is distributed over two sites: The Hague and Amsterdam. It brings together 1250 students from kindergarten to final year High School. Céline Alric, Headmistress of the Amsterdam school, but also music teacher and Elisabeth Segard, digital manager within the school, tells us how they have ensured teaching and administrative continuity during the closing of their schools.


Teaching continuity jointly ensured over the primary and secondary levels

As of the beginning of the lock-down, the headmistress of the school put in place, accelerated training for assisting teachers not having handled the solution, but also to have them discover all the features useful for maintaining social and teaching links (organiser, messaging service, blog, forms, etc.).As of the first week of the lock-down and following this accelerated training, the teachers could accomplish their mission remotely by means of all the features offered.
To avoid the explosion of connections, as of the start of the lock-down, we sent to the educational community, good connection practices to follow but also the schedule for the distribution of information to families. In the evening of the day beforehand, the teachers put the homework to do for the following day, on the organiser.

After several weeks of daily use of the EMS, the teachers from primary up to junior school, found the ability very useful to be able to distribute work to do in the organiser, to follow the work handed in by the students and to post corrections.

With Skolengo, the school could progressively establish teaching continuity between the primary and secondary levels.

I am very happy so see that primary school teaching which used another solution, just before the lock-down, adopted the tool as quickly as it did. We are now working with a unique tool and thus we can ensure assistance with teaching continuity with students and parents in a unified fashion with the school and the consortium. Céline Alric, Amsterdam school headmistress

Administrative continuity allowed parents to perform their procedures on-line

The French Vincent van Gogh High School also uses Skolengo to perform on-line administrative and financial actions such as consulting billing or administrative and teaching registrations. All the management of administrative questions is done on the Hague site.

The follow-up of registration requests with the dashboard provides real time savings. In the wink of an eye, you can analyse folders having a view of them on missing documents. You just have to click to give your decision to parents and to monitor the registration statistics throughout the campaign. Sending a group e-mail to families is also a benefit for ensuring effective communication without losing time. Elisabeth Segaud, digital manager at the French Vincent-Van-Gogh High School

The French Hague-Amsterdam High School has maintained its social links with families

The key point of the tool is the direct link that the administration and teachers can have with the families. A multitude of communication tools are integrated into a single solution: to each use, its tool. Céline Alric, Amsterdam school headmistress

For important information such as the closing and re-opening of the schools, the headmistress uses the messaging service and targeted communication for informing the families. The teaching staff have distributed forms to know in particular, cow learning is going at home.

The EMS is my office. Everything is in there. It is my piloting cockpit. I have access to all my orders for performing my job of headmistress. I am connected throughout the day. I feed it permanently. It is lively: that is what I like. Céline Alric, Amsterdam school headmistress

The Flexibility of the Skolengo configuration allowed this school consortium comprised of two schools, to operate in synchrony.
To lead their respective educational communities, each school had their own dedicated space depend on the academic level taught (1D-2D). The Hague French High School provided the administrative and financial management of the 2 schools via a single tool (Skolengo Management and Administration Module).