University of Nantes: a new e-service to better assist candidates in their educational/certificate project

Published on June 24, 2020 by - Updated on 27 juillet 2020 à 16H08

To more efficiently assist candidates in their continuing education or validation of acquired experience projects, the University of Nantes has made a new application available to them on their internet site in order to better guide the construction of their educational path. It allows them to orient themselves towards the right contact person, to qualify their project but also to involve them in thinking about the choice of their project.


New on-line assistance to facilitate candidate procedures


The University of Nantes had the wish to better structure the candidate assistance service in their continuing education and validation of acquired experience project.

The multiplicity of stakeholders who participate in a continuing education project (employment centre, employer, financial assistance persons, educational establishment) is complicated for candidates to understand. Because of this, before this application was made available, the candidates made contact with the University Departments without having an in-depth understanding of their project and especially without having identified if the department that they contacted was the right one for answering their question or for their project.

To facilitate candidate procedures, the University of Nantes and Kosmos have therefore, co-build the application “qualify my continuing education project at the University of Nantes”, available on the internet site of the University.

This project has been clearly formalised upstream by the continuing education and validation of acquired experience staff who have held numerous user workshops. The Kosmos Solutioning teams and the project team within the University (the continuing education support management, the information and digital systems management and the communications service) took responsibility for the last supervision steps. Each step of the development of the application was also punctuated by internal user tests.
This collaborative approach allowed a solution to be offered for optimising the orientation process for the continuing education and validation of acquired experience candidates.

The mutual flexibility of our collaboration, the reactivity of our discussions and the operational efficiency allowed the application to be produced in time for the period of requests for continuing education and validation of acquired experience. Emmanuel Moyon, career path and validation of acquired experience engineer

A real e-service for regulating entering streams


The candidate fills in a form of several pages to best qualify their project with the continuing education and validation of acquired experience project staff. In only 4 Main steps/ Phases, the form leads them to make a commitment and to think about what is important for them for building their career path. It will answer several questions that will allow dedicated services to understand their project, its state of advancement, to check if the prerequisites are achieved to allow them to apply (professional experience, diplomas obtained), to refine the educational offer depending on their profile and to explore possible means of financing. A real self-positioning tool, it allows candidates to have an active role on the choice of their educational profile.

If the candidate fulfils all the required conditions and presents a solid profile and succeeds in benefiting from the education offered by the University of Nantes, they will be directed to a qualified person to assist them in building their educational path. If this is not the case, the candidate is directed to a professional development advice service (Employment Centre, APEC, Local Mission, Cap Employ, CPIR, etc.) to assist them to first better define their projects depending on their profile and their preferences.

It is a structural tool as much for the candidate as for internal services. It allows the role and work of the continuing education and validation of acquired experience staff but also the work of the candidates to be optimised for defining and establishing their project. It is a useful and necessary interface. I appreciate Kosmos’s efforts in making the use of this service as simple as possible for the user.
Emmanuel Moyon, career path and validation of acquired experience engineer