Kosmos accompanies presidential mission to Poland

Published on February 19, 2020 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H36

Accompanied by Business France, Kosmos travelled to Poland with a French delegation on the occasion of the presidential visit of French President Emmanuel Macron. During their stay, the Kosmos team had the opportunity to discover the Polish education market in greater depth by meeting key players in the sector.

This was an opportunity to showcase the Skolengo solution, already present in over 70 countries, used by more than 3,600 schools and higher education establishments and over 5 million Users. Kosmos also took advantage of this mission to meet with its customer, the International Trilingual School of Warsaw (ITSW), which has chosen Skolengo, the EMS (Education Management Software).

Meeting with the International Trilingual School of Warsaw (ITSW), new Skolengo project

The International Trilingual School of Warsaw (ITSW) has opted for all the modules of the Skolengo solution: Teaching, Schooling, Administration and Management, Internal and External Communication. The solution will be deployed in several waves. Today, the School is equipped with the Timetable module. The next deployment will be devoted to the management and Settings module: online pre-registration and enrolment, Student administrative follow-up, invoicing and collection of enrolments, canteen follow-up management, canteen payment and invoicing, and online registration and payment for school activities. Last but not least, communication, teaching and Schooling modules will be implemented throughout the School.

Kosmos certifié Qualiopi

These exchanges with ITSW have led to positive initial feedback from Users on the Timetable service.
Above all, the Kosmos teams were able to work directly with the School's Users before the implementation of Skolengo's Administrator & Finance module. This was an opportunity to present the new functionalities directly to them, and to answer any questions they might have. Kosmos offers local support to help users get to grips with the tool.