Dematerialization of social aid applications

Subject to social policies, Local authorities set up assistance schemes for families and individuals, such as help with school meals or public transport. The processing and follow-up of these files is often cumbersome, for Local authorities, Schools and users alike. Kosmos supports Local authorities in dematerializing their social aid application processes, to facilitate processing and provide a high-quality service to users. These systems have been implemented in Haute-Garonne, Héraut, Pyrénées-Orientales, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Bretagne and Grand Est.

Why dematerialize welfare applications?

Simplify administrative procedures

Ensure fast, reliable processing and follow-up of grant application Folders

Secure authentication

The online help request system can be connected to institutional authentication services such as France connect or EduConnect.

Promote your public policies

With simple, efficient Online services, you can provide quality public services to families and citizens.

Interested? Contact us

The main features

Secure service access

Online services can be accessed autonomously via a dedicated web platform. Kosmos is an expert in identity federation, and can act as an identity provider or interconnect with your identity provider.

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Services can also be accessed via an existing secure authentication platform, such as FranceConnect, EduConnect or your ENT project. In the latter case, the user has a single account to access all the services offered by the Local authority.

critères éligibilité modulable ARS
critères éligibilité modulable ARS

Flexible eligibility criteria

Eligibility conditions can be based on the family quotient declared to public institutions such as the CAF, on a percentage reduction applied to the "normal" rate, or on different rates applicable by level.

The criteria for granting assistance can therefore be fully customized and adapted to your own conditions.

Simplified monitoring process

By dematerializing the social aid application process, we are able to process and monitor files more quickly, and simplify exchanges with families. Users can track the progress of their applications in real time.

Saving time and simplifying the online process brings real value to the user, and enables the Local authority to offer an efficient e-service to its citizens.
simplicité du suivi des demandes d'ARS
simplicité du suivi des demandes d'ARS
Reporting et statistiques ARS
Reporting et statistiques ARS

Reporting and Statistics

This service enables the County to ensure efficient management. At a glance, you can monitor the progress of dossiers submitted (investigated, rejected or confirmed), as well as the number of meals consumed, thus facilitating the payment of the amount due to the Schools.

The system also supports the Local authority's political strategy. It exports data from each application to the decision-making tools used by the Local authority, enabling them to adapt their welfare policy in line with the statistics.

Graphic customization of the application

The online application can be customized to your image and brand colors.
personnalisation graphique ARS
personnalisation graphique ARS

Would you like to dematerialize your social aid applications?

Contact us at