Pyrénées-Orientales: school meal assistance goes paperless

Published on June 7, 2021 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

The County of Pyrénées-Orientales has launched an innovative new e-service to facilitate the management of school meal subsidies: the Chèque Restauration Solidarité service. Implemented in all the County's public Secondary schools, this new online service enhances the range of services accessible via the ENT project: Mon ENT Occitanie.

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Why dematerialize the management of catering assistance?

Every year, a significant number of families with children on scholarship are eligible for canteen meal vouchers. chèque restauration solidarité "This assistance is provided by the County of Pyrénées-Orientales.

The previous aid management system was complex for both the Schools and the County, due to the numerous manual operations required to complete a file. What's more, sending mail by post to families eligible for the "chèque restauration solidarité" was very costly (3 mailings per year), and required considerable management of returned mail.

A new online system has been set up with the Kosmos team. The process of managing aid granted to families of scholarship-holders, and all communication with the parents of the students concerned, is now paperless. to simplify exchanges between families, Schools and the County.

Chèque Restauration Solidarité: how does this new public e-service work?

The Kosmos team has developed a customized digital service for managing service for managing school catering subsidies, which is integrated into the Mon ENT Occitanie territorial ENT project.

This service enables County and Secondary school Administrators to process family files more efficiently, without the need for an additional application, as the service can be accessed directly from the ENT.. It also facilitates billing by Secondary schools.
chèque restauration solidarité ent
chèque restauration solidarité ent

The list of scholarship students supplied by Secondary schools is imported directly into the solution. As soon as the data has been checked and confirmed by the School Administrators and the County, families find directly on their ENT Home page, the list of children eligible for aidThey also receive an official document confirming the amount granted by the solidarity meal voucher. They also automatically receive a message in the ENT and in their personal Mailbox (if they have agreed to receive notifications).

For their part, after confirming the files, the Schools import all the data directly into the software dedicated to invoicing families (GFE student financial management software). The canteen invoices are automatically generated, with deduction of the amount the amount of the meal voucher granted to families.

For Local authorities, dashboards Dashboards make it easier to manage the scheme, with statistics by providing statistics on the amounts to be paid to Secondary schools for assistance, the number of beneficiaries, etc.
chèque restauration solidarité interface
chèque restauration solidarité interface

What's the advantage for Local authorities of connecting this catering aid to ENT?

ENT is the cornerstone of the digital Services offered by Local authorities. Key to ensuring Teaching continuity, it is also a key tool for informing a key tool for informing families of all Local authority initiatives (educational programmes (educational action programs, school transport, school catering, scholarships, grants, etc.). As an extension of the County's information system, the ENT becomes the central central access point to a range of digital services for the Educational community and the general public.

By integrating the school catering assistance scheme into the ENT, Local authorities capitalize on ENT's audience to boost the visibility of their service..
Today, ENT Occitanie has more than 1,000,000 Users including some5,000 Secondary-school students on scholarship in the Pyrénées-Orientales regionentitled to meal assistance. As ENT Practices have developed, the families of scholarship-granting Student can easily consult the amounts granted by the school meal by the catering assistance scheme.

Tailor-made solutions with Kosmos solutioning

With Kosmos solutioningour teams offer tailor-made solutions for large-scale projects. Here are a few project examples:

  • For Local authorities: application Gesmatfor managing the IT assets of the Grand Est Region.
  • For government services :Foliosthe national e-portfolio solution for Educational counselling, supported by Onisep.
  • For the French Ministry of Education and RENATER : Resources Access Administrator (GAR)Participation in the implementation of the national secure access system for digital resources in schools.
  • For universities: development of an onlineonline registration for Nantes University.