Haute-Garonne's first dematerialized school meal assistance system

Published on November 2, 2017 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

Since June 2017, families have been able to apply for Aide à la Restauration Scolaire directly on an innovative, high-performance digital service: the ARS service. This is a County council service attached to the Department of Education and School Facilities deployed in public and private schools in Haute- Garonne.

This service completes the range of eCollège31 services: web portal, intranet and collaborative, Teaching, Schooling and Timetable, etc. ARS simplifies the administrative process for families, schools and the County council when applying for school meal subsidies.

Help with school meals: a wide-ranging scheme

1/3 of Secondary-school student families enrolled in public or private schools apply for this assistance. Every year, 23,000 Folders are submitted by families to schools for assistance with school meals, and processed by the County council. Of these 23,000 applications, 20,500 are accepted. The application process is cumbersome: families submit paper applications, County Services enter the paper forms, manually request supplements and reminders, etc.The ARS project is therefore part of a move to dematerialize the process of submitting applications for School Meal Assistance and the flow of information between Schools and the County council. Steering tools are also made available to the County.

The aim was to optimize management of the tens of thousands of requests submitted each year. The challenge was to deploy this dematerialized service for submitting and processing applications in more than a hundred public and private Secondary schools by June 2017.

Digital technology: a lever for efficient, modern public services

Kosmos certifié Qualiopi

The Kosmos solutioning team has developed an ARS application service. It operates both autonomously and via the eCollège31 ENT. By integrating it into eCollège 31's range of Services, access is simplified and the retrieval of data from families is automated, in line with the framework of the Schéma Directeur des ENT (SDET).

In just a few clicks, families can fill in an ARS application form and submit it for processing. Parents can easily track the progress of their files and are notified of the decision.

For Schools, the ARS process provides visibility on the progress of families' requests, as well as real time savings in exchanges with the Haute-Garonne County council.

For the County, the ARS solution deletes the time spent re-entering files, and considerably reduces the workload involved in processing applications, thanks to the convergence of e-services around e-Collège31. What's more, it offers a better image of the system and a much improved service to Practices users.

This digital service has been developed using state-of-the-art web technologies: spring boot, HTLM 5, CSS and javascript. It is accessible and adapted to different terminals (Tablet, smartphone, computer, etc.).

Undeniable benefits for families, Schools and the County

Since June 2017, 100% of Schools in the County of Haute-Garonne have been equipped with this high-performance ARS service.

Today, requests are submitted submitted by families in less than 5 minutes, and processed in less than one minute.. Exchanges with families are facilitated and completely dematerialized. Data flows between Schools and Local authorities are fully automated.

Developed and deployed in record time (7 months) and carried out in close collaboration with the County of Haute-Garonne, this project is a real success! Initial feedback has been very positive:

  • A quick start for families, Schools and Local authorities
  • 1,000 requests entered and processed in the first week of operation
  • From the 1stst June to September 2017 11,850 applications submitted10,562 processed and the remaining applications are in progress.
  • A real improvement in the quality of applications: There are fewer applications that do not meet the conditions for granting. 95% of ARS applications are granted (before dematerialization: 80% of applications were granted).
"You've done a great job, reliable and always very fast, enabling us to provide a quality public service!
County council of Haute-Garonne Instructor

Thanks to the dematerialization of School Meal Assistance, the County council is delivering a better service to users, while capitalizing on eCollège31 as a public e-service.