Digital workspaces: Practices have grown in popularity since the first lockdown


Published on January 14, 2021 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H36

The November 2020 report from the French Ministry of Education's Direction du Numérique pour l'Education entitled "ENTs Facing the 2020 Health Crisis" highlights the Educational community's increased use of ENTs since the containment. During the first lockdown, ENTs were essential for distance learning. Since the end of this period, the rise in practices has continued even with the return of face-to-face courses: figures for the start of the 2020 school year attest to the increase in attendance and practices compared with the start of the 2019 school year.

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Digital Workspaces: the key to Teaching continuity

As soon as the School closed, ENT made it possible to maintain links between members of the Educational community.Over 550 million visits were recorded on ENTs during the period of confinement*. Between January and March 2019, the ENT of the Occitanie Region saw an increase of 134%. ENTs in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Val-d'Oise, Eure and Seine-Maritime regions also saw an increase of over 75% in visits during this period. As for theENT of the Grand Est Regionrecorded an increase of over 60% in visits between January and March 2019.**

During confinement, the use of Teaching Services increased by 226%.. Videoconference services, storage and sharing services (+ 530% during the lockdown), teaching paths (+ 700% during the lockdown) and collaborative working were the most frequently used to ensure teaching continuity. *

Montée des usages ENT après confinement
Montée des usages ENT après confinement

In fact, ENT has seen an exponential exponential growth in usage (+345%) and have and have become top 5" of France's most consulted in France. Lnt visits were on a par with those of the largest national sites in May 2020 according to the ACPM ranking. In May 2020, total visits to ENT will represent 186 million visits. At the same time, the 2nd most-visited national site (lefigaro) had around 171 million visits. *

Continued growth in the number of visitors and Practices in digital spaces after confinement

At the start of the 2020 school yearENT traffic on back-to-school day increased by a factor of 2(+102% compared to back-to-school 2019).
What's more, Practices that developed during the lockdown continue to grow at the start of the 2020 school year, particularly Teaching Services..
Compared with the start of the 2019 school year, ENT recorded +50% visits in the first 4 weeks of September 2020 including +26% for Schooling, +51% on Teaching Services, + 34 000 Videoconferences (virtually non-existent at the start of the 2019 school year) and +61% on teaching paths.*

In November 2020, the majority of our ENT projects marked with the national audience measurement system had a higher number of visits than during the first containment period :

  • +49% visits to the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region
  • +48% increase in visits to the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region
  • +20% for the Grand Est region
  • +15% for the Seine Maritime County.**

In this exceptional context, digital education has proved its worth in helping to ensure teaching continuity. What's more, this unprecedented situation enabled some users to discover these digital solutions. The services on offer have convinced them: statistics show an increase in Practices, particularly for Teaching services.

In conclusion, it is vital that the national audience measurement system for ENTs be rolled out across the board, so that we have a precise picture at any given time of the number of users and the Practices of all ENTs in each region.

To find out more, read our proposal #5 for the "Etats Généraux du Numérique" (French national conference on digital technologies). Install a genuine culture of Grade in the service of digital education "

Kosmos, as an operator present in 21 academies, 49 Regional education authorities and 4 Regions, took part in the Etats Généraux du numérique, proposing5 lines of thought in conjunction with, or in addition to, those put forward as part of the États Généraux du numérique consultation ==> see Boxed text below

Source :

*Effios November 2020 report from the Digital Education Department of the French Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports: Les ENT Face à la crise sanitaire 2020.
**National audience measurement system for digital workspaces.