1 year after the launch of Mon Bureau Numérique: positive feedback from users

Published on July 15, 2019 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H36

In September 2018, a new ENT was deployed in Secondary schools and High schools in the Grand Est Region: the Mon Bureau Numérique ENT. To support the change of solution, the Regional education authority of Nancy-Metz and Kosmos, the publisher of the MBN ENT, set up several actions.

Among the actions implemented, a training plan adapted to each User Profile was proposed. Users were also provided with numerous tools to help them get to grips with the solution and discover the full potential of the various MBN ENT functions. One year on, the development of Practices is well underway!

To make it easier for users to get to grips with ENT and to develop Practices: more support for users

An ambitious training plan was put in place: over 2,500 people were trained in 2 and a half months (148 training days).
The training courses are customized for each profile: management staff, CPEs, teachers and administrators at each School. To complement these face-to-face courses, training materials and Webinars have been made available to Users.
For the DANE Nancy-Metz teams, support in the field remains at the heart of their concerns, to enable each user to consolidate his or her Practices on "Mon Bureau Numérique".
During their various missions, DANE teams gather numerous testimonials on MBN ENT Practices throughout the year. What's more, the DANE, in collaboration with Kosmos, has set up a communication plan to reinforce this support. The DANE has published numerous articles and testimonials on the Regional education authority portal, directing users to tutorials, Webinars and product documentation on the website dedicated to the user community ENT MBN user community.

Kosmos certifié Qualiopi

1 year after deployment of ENT MBN: a solution adopted by many users

Throughout its support, the DANE has received many positive testimonials.
If they had to define ENT in a few words...

  • "A new user-friendly, collaborative and ergonomic tool".Sophie Steiner Principal, Jeanne d'Arc de Remiremont private vocational high school
  • "A truly comprehensive ecosystem to support teaching".Mathematics teacher at Raymond-Poincaré Secondary school in Bar-le-Duc (55)
  • "What I really like about ENT is the smartphone application. I'm notified very quickly of my daughter's Absence(s) or School News".Parent of a Student in Troisième, at the Croix-de-Metz Secondary school in Toul (54)
  • "Everything is available on a single site. It's practical, complete and personalized, with a well-executed design".William L. Student in Terminale Bac Pro Commerce at Lycée Pierre-et-Marie-Curie in Freyming-Merlebach (57)

For the start of the new school year, the DANE will continue to offer users a wide range of tools to help them get to grips with the ENT.