Active collaboration between education players in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region to ensure Teaching continuity

Published on May 18, 2020 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

Florence Baizeau, in charge of the Digital Work Environment at the Information Systems and Digital Practices Department of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, shares her experience of Skolengo during this unprecedented period of distance learning.

How was the first week of confinement with ENT Skolengo?

We had a very difficult first week of lockdown, given the unprecedented level of requests from teachers, students and their parents, as soon as the closure of schools was announced. This unprecedented situation affected all the digital tools deployed in France, not just those in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
The Region, Local authorities, education authorities and Kosmos mobilized massively to deal with the situation and ensure continuity of learning as soon as the School closures were announced.
By way of example, here are some figures for the High schools in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes at the end of the 1st week of confinement (March 16 to 22 vs. March 09 to 15)

  • No. of visits = 1,830,000 visits (+43%)
  • No. of pages viewed = 14,805,000 (+147%)
  • Time spent per visit = 10 mn (+120%)
  • No. of pages viewed per visit = 8 pages (+72%)

What exchanges did you have with Kosmos to set up this distance learning programme?

Every possible effort was made by the Region in conjunction with its partners (Local authorities, Regional education authorities) and Kosmos to ensure continuity of service for ENT.
Right from the start of the health crisis, the Region set up a daily crisis management committee to assess the difficulties and decide on conservation measures to give priority to priority services and users (teachers and students).

All these emergency measures implemented by the Region, its partners (Local authorities and Regional education authorities) and Kosmos enabled users to have a functional ENT from the second week of confinement.

How did you support the Schools?

The Local authorities worked closely with the 4 Regional education authorities in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region and Kosmos. The DANE and the DRAAF relayed the "best practices" to teachers via a communication plan and specific training courses.
Local authorities, each at their own level, also communicated via their ENT portals or institutional sites.

Kosmos certifié Qualiopi

How do Schools perceive ENT during this unprecedented period?

Despite the difficulties encountered during the first few days of confinement, the majority of Schools were patient, persevered and now consider it an opportunity to have ENT at their disposal. They feel that the tool makes it easier to monitor work, that the Teaching binder offers interesting possibilities for teachers to create content/activities for their students, and that communication with students and families is simplified.

Has your vision of ENT changed?

Practices have exploded. Everyone involved had to adapt in a matter of days to a new way of teaching in a context of crisis. Most importantly, the link between teachers and students was maintained in the vast majority of cases, whatever the tool used. Certain functions, such as video conferencing and Chat, which are rarely or never used, now seem indispensable. We'll have to wait and see how Practices evolve over the coming weeks.