Digital transformation of teaching and training: Kosmos Group acquires LMS Factory

[Press release]

Published on November 21, 2023 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

The education and continuing professional training sector is undergoing radical change, with the increasing digitization of its practices. Kosmos is one of the key players in this transformation. With the acquisition of LMS Factory, the group now has the most comprehensive French offering in the digital education sector. With this alliance, the two companies merge their knowledge and values to provide a complete digital learning offering for the education sector.

E-learning solutions for continuing education

Continuing professional development is becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. It is now one of the legal legal obligations for employers. Every year, companies commit to allocating a budget budget for employee training. Much of this training now takes place online, via digital learning platforms. According to the ISTF 2023 barometer, 87% of companies plan to further reduce the proportion of classroom-based training in favor of online or hybrid systems..

Now indispensable in the context of a global pandemic, distance learning distance continuing education has taken on an unsuspected scopeand continues to grow over the years. It has other benefits for employees: professional fulfillment, skills development, updating of practices... Delivering accessible training is becoming a challenge for employers, enabling everyone to take part in quality teaching whatever their geographical location.

Formations en ligne via des plateformes d’e-learning
Formations en ligne via des plateformes d’e-learning

In 2017, LMS Factory got to grips with the subject. The company offers customized learning management solutions based on the Moodle™ open source platform. Buoyed by a favorable context and advanced teaching engineering, the company has enjoyed strong growth since its inception. It has become one of France's leading e-learning experts.

Kosmos enters the professional training sector with the acquisition of LMS Factory

"Alone we can go faster, together we can go further" is how Kosmos and LMS Factory summed up the thinking behind their acquisition of LMS Factory. The objective of this transaction is simple: to capitalize on the collective intelligence of the two companies, by capitalizing on the complementarities of the two structures, whose synergies are obvious.

Kosmos, leader in the French education market, operates in all sectors of education: schoolhigher education and vocational training. The latter, however, remains a branch that the group has yet to exploit to its full potential.

It's only natural that we felt the need to share our know-how with the professional world," says Jean PLANET, President of Kosmos.

Entreprise spécialisée dans les logiciels pour l’éducation
Entreprise spécialisée dans les logiciels pour l’éducation
Entreprise spécialisée dans la création de plateformes Moodle sur mesure
Entreprise spécialisée dans la création de plateformes Moodle sur mesure

Faced with the challenges of continuing professional training, this acquisition is an opportunity for Kosmos to extend its reach by supporting learners of all ages, in a wide variety of contexts. Jean PLANET continues:

This acquisition enables us to respond to today's challenges in lifelong learning and training. Thanks to this collaboration with the experts at LMS Factory, our customers will benefit from innovative training solutions tailored to their specific needs.

This analysis is shared by Bruno FAJNZILBERG, founder of LMS Factory:

To ensure our development, we were looking for a partner capable of providing expertise and access to complementary markets.

New solutions for those involved in education and vocational training

This new alliance consolidates Kosmos' expertise in remote teaching education. In concrete terms, the acquisition will benefit the sector by enhancing the group's technical Skills and enriching its solutions. Customers - be they schools, universities, Local authorities or professional training organizations - will have access to even more advanced tools. " The cross-fertilization of the LMS Factory and Kosmos offerings provides the Group's customers with complementary expertise. "concludes Bruno FAJNZILBERG.

The Moodle™ LMS already integrated into Kosmos digital solutions will be enhanced with new functionalities. Moodle™ has become a essential platform in the education market, with nearly 400 million Users worldwide by 2023.. This collaboration with a key Moodle™ player will broaden Kosmos' Skills related to this platform, with a global view of customer issues. " Our customers will benefit from numerous advantages thanks to our total mastery of the delivery chain: consulting, expertise, implementation capacity and industrial scale-up, security, data sovereignty and quality of Services. "says Jean PLANET.

Through this association, the Kosmos Éducation group now boasts the largest Moodle™ database installed nationwide with nearly 1,500 instances in school education, higher education and continuing vocational training.