EducaTice 2019: an edition rich in encounters

Published on September 25, 2019 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

This year's edition of Educatice saw an 8% increase in the number of visitors, 2 workshops on the Kosmos stand and...

Blockchain and secure diplomas workshop: fad or new standard?

Thursday November 21/2 sessions: Nicolas Dupouy, CSO of BCdiploma presented this workshop on our stand.

Not a month goes by without some prestigious university or international firm announcing the launch of its blockchain project. Is this a marketing stunt or a far-reaching, mutually beneficial development?

BCdiploma invites you to take a closer look at blockchain applications for the general public that addressyour dematerialization challengesand, in particular, the digitization ofdigitization of diplomas.

Nicolas Dupouy, CSO @BCdiploma, explained how this new technology is a reliable and sustainable solution that creates value for your entire ecosystem: school/university, alumni, partners and recruiters. Now mature and deployed in over 50 universities in 15 countries, BCdiploma technology enables you toautomate the delivery of your certificates: 100% digital, forgery-proof, shareable in a single click...the end of fake diplomas!

Read the article on Graduate certification

Kosmos certifié Qualiopi

Resources publishers workshop: how to integrate your solution into RBM?

On Wednesday November 20, the workshop was presented by Axel Poirier, Kosmos Project Manager, on our stand.

Kosmos certifié Qualiopi

GAR is now the only interface providing secure access to Resources at the School, with the main priority of protecting users' personal data. by 2020 in all Schools with an ENT, the GAR with an ENT, GAR is becoming a must-have for Resources publishers.

Drawing on its experience with the successful integration ofOnisep Servicesinto GAR, our speaker presented our SaaS solution integrating :

  • TheSubscriptions management moduleto link your management system to GAR,
  • Theauthentication modulefor direct connection of your Services from GAR.

Kosmos teams offer you methodologicalmethodological and technical support throughout the "hooking-in" process through to deployment in the ENT. Our teams' proven technical experience is at your service to help you meet the challenge of making your resources visible within ENTs.the challenge of making your Resources visible on the ENT, through the GAR.

Are you a Resources publisher interested in joining GAR?

Contact us

The world of education is changing, let's evolve with it

Le monde de l'éducation se transforme
Le monde de l'éducation se transforme

For over 20 years, Kosmos has been supporting the digital transformation of the world of education. In an ever-changing world, Kosmos and its solutions are evolving to meet all your needs.

Join us on our stand G18 to discover our tailor-made solutions, our all-in-one solution and our subjects under study as we work together to build the school of tomorrow.

Discover our new solutions

Kosmos next :

The school of the future is being built every day

To keep pace with the changing world of education, we have createdKosmos nexta research and development committee dedicated to tomorrow's innovative solutions. Kosmos has set up a consortium of experts, including specialists in new technologies, researchers, sociologists and education professionals, to address the future challenges facing the world of education. Together, they are proposing digital solutions that will be at work tomorrow.

Kosmos solutioning :

Tailor-made solutions

Discover our customized solutions for all your large-scale digital projects with Kosmos solutioningOur teams, experts in new technologies and specialists in educational issues, will provide you with quality support from the definition of your needs to the implementation and follow-up of your project.


The all-in-one solution

Our ENT solution is evolving and being enriched with new Services to meet all School needs. SkolengoSkolengo, the new-generation ENT or EMS (Education Management Software), is a SaaS software platform designed for Schools and institutions managing School networks. This all-in-one solution facilitates communication and interaction between Users and supports Teaching practices, while simplifying School management and Settings.