EduConnect: the new single sign-on point for parents and students

Published on February 16, 2021 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

EduConnect is a new single sign-on service provided by the French Ministry of Education. Our Skolengo software solution now interconnects with EduConnect.

What is EduConnect?

EduConnect provides a single account for parents and students that gives access to all the digital services needed to keep track of children's Schooling. Families thus have a unique unique identifier and password even if they change schools or Regional education authorities. If a parent has children in more than one Regional education authority, this single account will enable them to access all services for their 2 children.

EduConnect is linked to the FranceConnect system. This means that parents can connect to school services using their existing public account (,, MSA, IN La Poste, Mobile connect & moi) for all online procedures, such as grant applications, bill payments, online registration, educational counseling and assignments, updating student information sheets, etc.

Students will use their own EduConnect account to access their EMS (Education Management Software) and related services: Organiser, Timetable, Grades, Virtual class, etc.

EduConnect will eventually replace the authentication counter ATEN.

Identity federation and SSO: Skolengo now interconnects with EduConnect

The identity federation in the world of education is a long-standing Kosmos expertise.

Our Skolengo SaaS solution is already interconnected with the following authentication gateways ATEN, ARENA from the French Ministry of Education, CNERTA and also with Local authorities for their agents.

Skolengo now interconnects with EduConnect to offer families the possibility of connecting to their ENT via this portal, as shown opposite for the Mon Bureau Numérique ENT projects in the Grand Est region and Eclat-BFC in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region.

Educonnect-Mon Bureau Numérique-Skolengo
Educonnect-Mon Bureau Numérique-Skolengo
EduConnect - eclat bfc
EduConnect - eclat bfc

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