Explorasup, 5 good reasons to adopt the new digital Educational counselling solution for High school students

Published on September 13, 2022 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

Explorasup is the new online tool designed by grandes écoles and universities to help future students choose the right course of study. Why adopt it?

5 good reasons to adopt Explorasup, according to Camille Lebugle, Product Expert at Kosmos

Explorasup, a unique online tool that :

  1. Provides a visual representation of the training path and all existing gateways to highlight opportunities for reorientation,
  2. Enables High school students to plan their own Educational counselling thanks to the construction of career paths including further studies and professional outlets, with access to career records from the Onisep Repository,
  3. Optimize communication at your Educational counselling events Discover your training courses on a digital and interactive medium (no more printed brochures),
  4. Simplifies your staff's tasks Simplify your staff's tasks: import course data from your information system (Apogée/Pégase, K-Sup, Ametys, Aurion, YParéo), and easy entry of missing data thanks to an ergonomic interface (main subjects, gateways, etc.).
  5. Enhance the attractiveness of your school or university Explorasup: its user-friendly interface, tailored to high school students, makes it easier to understand your range of courses. Explorasup is accessible via the web, at any time, on any type of terminal: computer, tablet and smartphone.

The ability to synchronize our training catalog data with the Course Explorer*, enabled us to quickly fill in most of the data.

Guillaume Level, Software Engineer (DOSI) Kosmos project management, Université Clermont Auvergne

The Course Explorer makes it easy to find a course. The tool is highly intuitive. In just a few clicks, once you've chosen your search criteria, you'll have access to all the information you need to make an informed choice about your course."
Raphaël, a student in his final year at a pilot High school in Nice, France.

With Explorasup, improve the "bac-3 / bac+3" transition by helping high school students and future students choose the Educational counselling courses best suited to their profile and plans.