KOSMOS and ASREC CENTRE join forces to offer a solution that simplifies the management of Catholic schools!

[Press release]

Published on November 28, 2022 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

On the occasion of Educ@tech Expo 2022, KOSMOS, specialist in digital solutions for education and publisher of the SKOLENGO solution, and ASREC CENTRE (Association des Services Régionaux de l'Enseignement Catholique), publisher of the AGATE software, unveil the content of their collaboration, the aim of which is to offer a complete software suite for better management of Catholic schools, from primary to higher education.

asrec centre
asrec centre

kosmos education
kosmos education

AGATE and SKOLENGO: complementary businesses serving private Schools

Kosmos equips over 3,600 Schools in 70 countries with its Skolengo solution. This software suite offers business-specific Services to support the Educational community in its day-to-day missions. ASREC CENTRE equips over 2,450 Catholic schools with its AGATE solution, specialized in school management and Settings. By joining forces, they offer private education establishments a complete solution comprising business modules dedicated to schooling, teaching, administrative management, invoicing, accounting and payroll management.

collaboration agate et skolengo
collaboration agate et skolengo
Thanks to this collaboration based on shared values of trust and open-mindedness, we will be able to offer our customers - Catholic schools - a complete and efficient software suite.Our Skolengo solution is enriched with accounting and payroll services recognized in the educational sector.
Jean Planet, President of KOSMOS
By teaming up with Kosmos, we'll be able to offer a global solution, adapted to both 1st and 2nd level education, with the addition of a further offering dedicated to pedagogy and schooling. Teaching and Schooling to support the Educational community in their mission to help every Student succeed at school.
Frédéric Génichon, General Delegate of ASREC CENTRE

A wealth of functions to develop Practices

The collaboration between KOSMOS and ASREC CENTRE will enable the Educational community to benefit from a wide range of high-performance tools, enabling them to carry out their day-to-day tasks smoothly and efficiently.

By combining the functionalities of their SKOLENGO and AGATE solutions, KOSMOS and ASREC CENTRE aim to :
  • Support teachers, through Teaching functionalities that enable Teaching differentiation to individualize learning and develop student autonomy. Teachers can also run inverted or accompanied classes.
  • Offer a Grading and/or Skills-based Grading system enabling Grade-free classes. The solution also makes it possible to track the progress of Skills acquisition, and quickly identify school drop-outs and absenteeism.
  • Strengthening links with families thanks to several communication tools such as SMS, the public Home page and a new mobile application dedicated to families, available from January 2023. This application will give parents one-click access to all their Child(ren)'s Schooling information and enable them to take action directly from their mobile.
  • Simplify the day-to-day work of School staff with the administrative management module, integrating the construction of the new year (pre-registration) and end-of-year procedures (re-registration), compatible with Regional education authority applications linked to the Ministry and SGEC applications. In addition, a management and accounting software package linked to the invoicing module facilitates the production of general, analytical and budgetary accounts for the school, as well as the processing of invoices.School's general, analytical and budgetary accounting, as well as payroll processing, with management of pay slips and post-payments (OD of salaries, DSN, dematerialization of pay slips, digital safe, etc.).
Would you like to find out more about SKOLENGO AGATE?

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To find out more about AGATE, visit asrec-cvl.org
To find out more about SKOLENGO, visit skolengo.com