Kosmos continues to expand nationwide with EMS Skolengo

Published on October 30, 2020 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

For the start of the 2020 school year, the County of Seine-Saint-Denis has chosen Skolengo's Education Management Software (EMS) to support its digital education policy. Skolengo equips more than 3,600 Schools throughout France, with over 5 million Users.

130 Secondary schools in Seine-Saint-Denis have been using Skolengo since the start of the school year.

Present in 4 largest regions in France (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Grand Est and Occitanie), in 49 counties and 21 Regional education authorities, Kosmos confirms its position as leader in ENT for education in 2020.

In this unprecedented context of development of distance learning, the County has decided to fund itsSecondary schools optional services such as Office software online tools and the new virtual Virtual class service.

The Skolengo solution was deployed in just one month in the 130 Secondary schools of the County. Skolengo's teams trained Secondary school staff remotely, then continued and reinforced their support at the start of the new school year to help them get to grips with the platform. Premium support is available to Secondary schools and Regional education authorities throughout the year, with a dedicated support request platform dedicated to Users.

Carte ENT Skolengo
Carte ENT Skolengo

Kosmos development in the Ile-de-France Region

By equipping the Seine-Saint-Denis County, Kosmos continues its expansion in the Ile-de-France Region.

In 2019, it's the County of Val d'Oise which has equipped its 111 Secondary schools with the Skolengo solution.
Kosmos has also developed itsKosmos Solutioning the websites of many of the Region's universities and grandes écoles, including the Université de Cergy (CY Cergy Université), Sorbonne Nouvelle and theCondorcet Campusthe Institut Catholique de Paris, the International Federation of Catholic Universities (FIUC)...