Kosmos Newsletter - July 2020

Published on July 3, 2020 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

The July 2020 Newsletter is now online, featuring: new references, Réseau Canopé surrounds itself with digital experts, a new e-service to help applicants with their training plans at Nantes Université, the Top 10 Skolengo innovations of the school year, a testimonial from the High school français Vincent-Van-Gogh in The Hague-Amsterdam...

Headlines: The Canopé network surrounds itself with digital experts

Un nouvel e-service pour guider les futurs étudiants de l'Université de Nantes

Kosmos selected to support the Canopé network in the development of their digital projects

The Canopé network, a key public operator in the school education sector, is committed on a daily basis to helping all those involved in education succeed in their mission. To continue providing the Educational community with high-performance digital tools, the Canopé network has selected, via an Attendance register, a group of digital service providers, including Kosmos..

We're delighted to be supporting this major public institution in the digital transformation it is carrying out in support of the refounding of schools and the success of students.Jean Planet, President of Kosmos.

Higher education and continuing education

Nantes University: new e-service to help applicants with their training plans

To assist applicants more effectively in their plans for continuing education or validation of prior learning, the Université de Nantes has launched a new application on its website to betterguide them in the construction of their course. It helps them to be oriented towards the right person, to qualify their project, but also to involve them in the process of choosing their project.

Discover this new e-service > Services

Product news

Videoconference: a new Skolengo service

In response to strong demand from our customers and users, Kosmos teams have integrated and deployed a new Videoconference service within Skolengo in just a few weeks. Directly accessible from the digital space, the solution makes it possible tocreate a Videoconference in total security. This new service is aimed at all School staff, since it can be used for both teaching and administrative purposes.

Discover the > features

Skolengo: 10 key developments for 2019-2020

Throughout this school year, the Skolengo team has developed new functionalities in the Teaching, Communication, Schooling and Administrator & Finance modules in response to user feedback, to optimize the platform and provide users with the best possible support in carrying out their missions.

See the year's top 10 developments >


The French High school in The Hague-Amsterdam ensures teaching and administrative continuity with Skolengo

Céline Alric, School Principal and Teacher at the Amsterdam school, and Elisabeth Segaud, the School's Digital Coordinator, explain how they have ensuredTeaching and Settings continuityduring the closure of their Schools.

Read the testimonial >