Kosmos supports Onisep in implementing the new Avenir(s) platform

Published on November 28, 2023 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

Avenir(s) is a comprehensive program, coordinated by Onisep, which aims to improve guidance for young people, enabling them to develop their skills and build their plans for the future.

Visit program also aims to support educational teams and facilitate their work by offering resources resources that respect teaching freedom and Educational counselling tools..

Educational counselling: for everyone!

Faced with the uncertainty and complexity of the economic world, it's no longer enough to opt for a more or less satisfactory training course or first job. It is now essential to develop the capacity for Educational counselling and reorientation to anticipate changes in the job market.

In order to overcome individual and social disparities in the ability to manage one's own career path, it has become imperative to offer all citizens an education in Educational counselling.

This is the aim of the AVENIR(s) program run by Onisep in partnership with the Université de Savoie Mont-Blanc, which is the pilot for ESR (Higher Education and Research). Financed over 10 years as part of PIA 4, the project reinforces Onisep's role as apublic reference for Educational counselling and positions France as a leader in public innovation in this field.

In-depth understanding of oneself and the world is at the heart of the AVENIR(s) program. It is based on 2 axes: thethe acquisition of Educational counselling skills ("knowing how to become") and the gradual, thoughtful development of social identitybased on the enhancement of 21st century Skills ("becoming oneself").

The advantages of the Avenir(s) platform for Users

AVENIR(s) offers new digital services for students and educational teams, from Secondary school through to entry into the world of work, to help them make informed choices.

  • It is a easily accessible digital platformproviding essential Teaching information, tools and resources. It enables students, apprentices and trainees to progressively develop their Educational counselling projects.

Personal fulfillment is achieved by matching learners' interests and Skills with the requirements of the different professions they are considering, taking into account possible training paths. This enables young people to visualize the various trajectories between their present and their future.This approach fits perfectly into the digital educational environment, for both students and teachers, and is linked to the admission and Educational counselling processes for high schools and colleges.

  • A tool for raising awareness and reinforcing Skills enabling young people and adults to make progress in understanding and mastering the cross-disciplinary Skills expected by the world of work.

  • A Skills portfolio that evolves from school education to higher education and the world of work.

Each learner will retain his or her identified Skillsand associated data in a secure portfolio. Eventually, this portfolio should be easily interoperable with the "Skills Passport" of the French Ministry of Labor, Employment and Integration.

Kosmos has therefore been chosen to create the central building block of this new AVENIR(s) platform, which will integrate, via webservices and an interfacing contract, a range of related digital tools designed to support and empower learners in their Educational counselling.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have a project of this scale.

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