Launch of the new Skolengo mobile application for families

[Press release]

Published on December 23, 2022 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

Kosmos launches a new Mobile application dedicated to families. Designed with the input of users, it was also tested by parents and students during the final phase of its development. Its intuitive, user-friendly and modern design makes it easy to use, offering families the essentials of Schooling services at their fingertips.

The Skolengo mobile application enables parents to keep track of their child(ren)'s schooling, and strengthens the link between families and the School. It is compatible with IOS and Android.

Discover the Mobile application

Family - School: stronger ties, easier communication

This application provides parents with real-time access to a wide range of services and essential information, enabling them to give their child the best possible support in schooling:

  • Consult the Timetable,
  • Consult work to do for the coming days,
  • Consult grades and skills acquired and in progress

In addition to tracking students' overall schooling, the application has also been designed to simplify the exchange of information and administrative procedures between parents and the School:

  • Absence(s) and Reason(s),
  • Registration for canteen and extra-curricular activities,
  • Payment of bills and recharging of canteen purse,
  • Notifications to immediately identify new information published in the application

It is a real tool for parents and students, consolidating the link between families and the School:

  • Need help organizing your Assignment(s)?
    Parents and Students have direct access to the student's Timetable and all their Work to do.
  • Need to contact a Teacher?
    The application provides families with a simple, intuitive Mailbox for contacting contacts, such as Teachers who have a direct link with the Student concerned.
  • Class councils just finished?

Parents can Consult their Child's report card in just one click. With the application, they can also view all school results throughout the year.

  • Want to know what's new at School?
    From the Home page, families will find all the information and events that punctuate the life of the School: dates of school outings, forthcoming school trips, parent-teacher meetings, Educational counselling meetings, etc.
  • Need to make enrolment easier?
    From their smartphone, parents can register their Child(ren) for School, canteen and extracurricular activities, consult invoices and pay directly online.
Application Skolengo
Application Skolengo
Application Skolengo

An easy-to-use, intuitive and secure application

It's a multi-account application: on the first connection only, the legal guardian enters his/her login and password, identical to those he/she uses on the Skolengo platform, and accesses his/her own account as well as those of his/her children. As not all children in a family have a cell phone, it's easier to access all accounts from a single device. Designed to make it easy for families to navigate and find essential information, the application gives them direct access to key services: Home, Mailbox, Agenda, Results, Absence(s), Finance, Wallet.

The application, made in France, was designed by a French team specializing in educational issues. Like the entire Skolengo software suite, it is RGPD-compliant (data hosted in France), a real guarantee of security for the protection of parents' and Students' personal data.

Application Skolengo

"This new app is part of our ongoing strategy to strengthen the link between families and Schools. Because families use mobile applications on a daily basis, and their expectations are at the heart of our thinking, we have developed an application tailored to their specific needs. A unique experience that keeps them informed, in real time, of their Child(ren)'s Schooling life and of events organized by the School". Jean Planet, President of Kosmos

The application can be downloaded from Google Play and App Store.

To find out more about SKOLENGO, visit