Meet Kosmosnautes #16: Bastien, test designer

Published on February 21, 2023 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

Bastien is a V.I.E designer and tester at Kosmos, where he is responsible for quality at every stage in the development of our products, in order to guarantee a successful User experience.

Photo BRO
Photo BRO

Hello Bastien, can you tell us about your background?

After my A-levels, I trained in logistics for 5 years. I didn't come from an IT background, so I didn't really want to end up in this sector. It was during my end-of-studies Internships that I got my first taste of IT. I worked on an ERP implementation project for an airline company, helping the teams to set up and get to grips with the tool (training, support, testing, etc.), and then they offered me a contract.
At the time, we carried out functional tests in a very traditional way. As each version was released, we decided that we needed to frame things, make them more secure and think about a different way of doing things. That's how I gained Skills and, at the end of my contract, I decided that, having seen the customer side, I wanted to discover the software publisher side.

Why did you go on a VIE (Volontariat International en Entreprise) and how did it go?

At the time, my brother had just signed a VIE contract and advised me to give it a try. As I wanted to stay in the IT sector, I came across Kosmos' VIE offer by chance.
It was relatively easy to understand the VIE principle. The team in Canada is made up of French expats, so I had help if I needed it and feedback on the system.

What made you want to join Kosmos?

It was the project that interested me, i.e. contributing to the quality of Kosmos products. That's the way I see it.
It also gave me the opportunity to develop my skills in testing and to try my hand at an international experience.

As a test designer, what's your day-to-day life like?

I make sure that an evolution or bug fix works.
For example, a bug may be reported to us. It's up to me to check that the error no longer appears on the product once the fix has been made.

A customer may also have an evolution request. After a scoping review between the developer, the tester and the functional analyst to determine what the User will or won't be able to do, and once the development is finalized, it's up to me to test the evolution.
To do this, I have to put myself in the shoes of a Student, Parent or School principal using the solution and check that they won't encounter any problems with the functionality we've added.
I also contribute to test automation by preparing test scenarios in Gherkin, a functional language that facilitates communication between functional and technical teams. In fact, I helped write a BDD (Behaviour Driven Development) guide for kosmosnauts, to help them develop their skills in the Gherkin language.

What qualities do you think you need for this job?

You need to be structured and curious enough to think about everything that needs to be covered by the tests.
In other words, you have to ask yourself the right questions: Will a User logging on to his or her smartphone see the button correctly? Could the evolution in Organiser for teachers also impact students?
It's an exploration, and you always have to ask questions and go further.

What do you particularly appreciate about your job?

The atmosphere is very friendly, there's a really good spirit in the team. Everyone is available if you have a problem.
The variety of subjects, as I work on three different products.
Kosmos' willingness to support employees' Skills development. The company listens and tries to respond as best it can through training, in-house help, support...
Kosmos gave me a chance! I had no experience in the IT sector and they trusted me.

What do you like about Kosmos?

The atmosphere is healthy and the activities are fulfilling, I learn new things every day.
There's a real closeness with the manager. It's really pleasant to know that he's interested in the teams and puts us forward, which is gratifying.

What would your message be for people who want to apply?

Try your luck! Even if you don't necessarily have the experience, the diplomas, the certifications... you never know.
The atmosphere is good, you feel valued, and that's a real plus.

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