Meet Kosmosnautes #17: Élodie, Communications and Marketing Manager

Published on April 17, 2023 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

Élodie explains her varied career path prior to joining Kosmos, and how she came to take responsibility for the communications and marketing team. She finds it motivating to work in the educational digital sector, and encourages the presence of women in this fast-growing communications and marketing field.

Kosmos certifié Qualiopi

  • Hi Élodie, can you tell us about your background?

After my initial training in the life sciences (competitive medical examination, then a master's degree in biology), I reoriented my career and opened myself up to the world of business via a master's degree in Business Settings at the IAE in Nantes. Already attracted by marketing but unable to find an internship in this discipline, I opted for an HR internship with Adecco. This enabled me to develop my network and very quickly find my first job as a marketing assistant in an agricultural trade. After 7 years in this sector, I wanted to discover something else, and it was again thanks to the network that I discovered and joined Kosmos in 2014 (Thanks Alexis ;-).

  • What made you want to join Kosmos?

At the time, I was actively looking for a career change. I was interested in the digital sector, which was my first motivation for joining Kosmos in 2014.

  • What's it like to work for the digital sector, particularly in education?

I really discovered the education sector when I joined Kosmos. I was surprised by the multiplicity of market targets in this sector: Local authorities and public institutions, but also primary, secondary and higher education establishments, as well as vocational and continuing training. It was really motivating to show how digital technology could facilitate exchanges within the Educational community, simplify certain administrative procedures and enhance teaching. With confinement, distance learning has put the spotlight back on the relevance of digital tools and given new meaning to our missions to ensure teaching continuity and maintain the link between the School and families.

  • Can you tell us about your career at Kosmos?

My arrival was intended to support the person in charge of all the company's communications. Gradually, a more versatile team was put together to develop communication and marketing actions.
Today, there are five of us, with missions and professions that have evolved considerably, particularly with digital marketing. We each have our own talents, and we complement each other perfectly!

  • How did you come to take responsibility for a team? What do you take away from this experience?

It was a role I wanted to do, to experiment with. I feel a bit like a conductor. I try to bring out everyone's talents and "combine" them to develop the team's efficiency in the service of the company and our customers and Users.

  • What's your day-to-day life like?
My daily routine is never the same, and that's what I like about it! My role is to organize, anticipate and prioritize our marketing and communications campaigns in line with the company's strategic vision. Within the team, we've become experts in change management, since we have to constantly adapt to the context of the sector and the company's evolution.
We are in constant contact with staff from other teams such as Sales, Human Resources, Product Teams, User Support, Sales Settings...
  • What qualities do you think you need for this job?

I see 3 essential qualities: multi-functionality, adaptability and responsiveness! These are essential qualities for this job.

  • Your best moment at Kosmos?
All the convivial moments shared with Kosmosnautes, through different types of events: seminars, afterwork...
  • What do you like about Kosmos?

What I enjoy most are the daily exchanges I have with the kosmosnautes. Their kindness allows us all to work in the best possible conditions!
It's also the trust and organizational flexibility that management gives us to balance our personal and professional lives. This is a key point for me: on a personal level, it allows us to be more serene in carrying out all our professional projects.
In the end, I think it improves our performance.

  • The digital sector is known for having a majority of men, so what's it like to work in it as a woman?

I worked in the agricultural sector for 7 years and never had any problems working with men.
Since I arrived, I've noticed that the digital sector is becoming much more feminized, which is very positive. More and more women are applying for and being hired for jobs that have traditionally been very male-dominated.

  • If you hadn't done this job, what would you have done?
I would have loved to be an archaeologist... but also a science journalist and a restaurant chef.
  • 2 truths and 1 lie about you?
    • I made three solo skydives without an instructor.
    • I visited eight countries in three and a half months.
    • I tasted fried tarantulas in Cambodia.
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