Meet the Kosmosnautes #11: Estelle, Designer and Tester

Published on January 6, 2022 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

Estelle is a test designer at Kosmos. She is involved in the early stages of each development of the Skolengo software solution. In constant dialogue with the developers, her role is to establish a test strategy to detect all bugs and anomalies in order to Confirm each evolution.

Kosmos : INTERVIEW Estelle, Conceptrice Testeuse
Kosmos : INTERVIEW Estelle, Conceptrice Testeuse

  • Hi Estelle, can you tell us about your background?

During my studies, I did summer jobs in catering and banking.

Then, in 2000, I graduated from the High school Carcouet in Nantes with a BTS in Computer Management, with a specialization in Network Administrator. Following my studies, I spent 2 months in Scotland with a family to perfect my English.

In January 2001, I was hired by Sigma Informatique in Nantes as a trainer until 2013.

I was in charge of recipes, training and level 2 support for Leclerc stores and buying groups. Seeing that there weren't many opportunities for advancement, I retrained as a childminder for 2 years and took parental leave to look after my family.
Then I realized that I needed to have a project in common with people, to have an intellectual activity. In May 2017, I went back to training with ENI to work in testing and got an ISTQB certification. I was hired at Accenture as part of a test team for a life insurance project for BNP/CARDIF until 2021. I was also in charge of functional specifications, test design and execution, and a bit of management.

  • What made you want to join Kosmos?

The HR team at Kosmos had contacted me on Linkedln at a time when I wanted to leave a large structure, a team that was breaking up with a lot of management changes. I consulted the Kosmos website and was seduced by the field of education, a field in line with my values, much more concrete than life insurance.

The phone call from the Kosmos HR team with the word "benevolence" resonated with me., it was perfect timing!

  • What's your day-to-day life like as a test designer?

I'm in charge of the recipe, which is similar to what I was doing before, but it's more extensive because there's more communication with the developers.

My missions consist in reading the scope of Skolengo's evolutions, knowing the functionalities, the ins and outs of the customer's needs, establishing a test strategy, executes on dedicated platforms, communicating with developers on anomalies and remarks, and testing maintenance tickets received from support or other Services.

On a day-to-day basis, I go from one task to another, for example reading a framework, or spending half a day on test design. It also depends on the type of change: a small change can be tested in half a day, or it can take a week if it doesn't work the first time.

What Kosmos is doing, and what I've never done before, is writing automatic tests (Cucumber), and I find that it enriches the job. For the test strategy, it allows me to target more precisely what needs to be tested manually and what will be covered by automatic tests: it's much more interesting!

  • What do you like about your job?

You learn new things every day about the application and techniques, which is very interesting. The subjects change regularly. In my opinion, developments are justified and bring the product to life. You're involved in the production launch of an enhancement, and you're making a contribution to the edifice. I enjoy taking part in the framing and seeing the result after development, moving from the abstract to the concrete. I also like to give my opinion; I feel listened to. I also enjoy communicating with the developers, which helps me to improve my technical skills.

  • What qualities do you think you need for this job?

The first quality required is rigor in design and execution, and the ability to adapt to change. You need to be versatile, and diplomatic in your dealings with different people. You also need to be curious, love the tool you're working with and know how to put yourself in the User's shoes.

  • A project that made you proud? Your best moment at Kosmos?

I don't have any particular project in mind, as for the moment I'm continuing my development at Kosmos. Increasing my Skills in writing Cucumber tests (automatic tests) has enabled me to go further in my job and optimize my testing strategy.

My best moment at Kosmos was my Home and the kindness shown by the Kosmosnauts. And the nice little anecdote I remember was when our CEO met us in the office and said hello to us by our first names: for me, this represents a mark of trust that's not insignificant.

  • What are your must-have references (website / book / person / RS.... account) in your field?

The CFTL (French Software Testing Committee), which organizes trade shows.

  • What you like about Kosmos (atmosphere, premises, Nantes, events, well-being...)

What I like is the friendly atmosphere among colleagues. The autonomy we're given. We're given the opportunity to develop professionally, and that's something I really appreciate.

  • If you hadn't done this job, what would you have done?

I would have loved to have become an archaeologist, I really like the story with its investigative side. I would have loved to have become a nurse too.

  • 2 truths and 1 lie about you?
    • Jtook part in the "silence ça pousse" program on France 5.
    • I have a black belt in Judo
    • I ran the "foulées du Tram
  • Got a wish/idea on your Bucket list?

I hope to do some traveling and in the short term, I'd like to get my motorcycle license!

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