Meet the Kosmosnautes #13: Émilie, developer

Published on May 19, 2022 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

Émilie is a developer at Kosmos, developing and preventing malfunctions on the Skolengo digital workspace.

  • Hello Émilie, what's your background?

I started out as an intern for six months at Kosmos, developing an API. Then I was hired to contribute to the development of the Skolengo ENT (Environnement Numérique de Travail), deployed in primary and secondary schools in France and abroad.

  • What's your day-to-day life like as a developer?
My mission at Kosmos is to work on the Skolengo product. Most of my work will involve developing new features for this ENT. In concrete terms, I'll first be assigned a subject. Then, I'll take part in an initial meeting with the functional team to define the expected specifications. Then I'll prepare the technical design with the support of my colleagues, and finally I'll implement the evolution and the associated tests. When the evolution goes into acceptance testing, I'm there to support the testers.

The other part of my job is to maintain our Skolengo product and correct any bugs.

  • What's in your developer's toolbox?

I'm a Full Stack with a Back End focus, and the main technologies I'll be using on a daily basis will be Java 8 with the Spring framework for the back end. For the data layer, we'll be using MySQL and an OpenLDAP Directory. I also use JSTL and a bit of JavaScript for the front end.

  • What do you like about your job?

Above all, I like the diversity of the subjects. I can work on upgrades as well as Corrected assignments, which are very varied. For example, I can deal with data import-export as well as front-end issues. It's like taking on a new challenge every time.
The second thing I like is the fact of being part of a team and working together on a common project. We get to see how our product evolves, how it's used by users. It's a bit like our baby.
Finally, I really like the field of education. Knowing that what I develop is used by Students in their learning process, makes me feel useful.

  • What do you like about Kosmos?

As soon as I arrived at Kosmos, I was enthralled by the atmosphere and the friendliness that reigns here. Everyone is warm and welcoming. Events are organized regularly by the CSE to bring the teams closer together, and it's important to have a healthy, caring atmosphere to ensure well-being at work.