Meet Kosmosnautes #5: Gaëtan, UX/UI Designer

Published on January 22, 2020 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H36

Gaëtan has been a UX/UI Designer at Kosmos for three years. He is involved upstream in the design of web projects and applications. His role is to analyze user needs, propose a user experience, prototypes or mock-ups, and contribute to their graphic integration.

Kosmos certifié Qualiopi

  • Hi Gaëtan! Can you tell us a bit about your background?

    I trained as a traditional graphic designer (Indian ink, typography...), at a time when computer tools didn't yet exist in the field of design.

    I quickly learned about digital tools, which arrived just as I was finishing my studies. I joined a company specializing in the design and development of digital solutions, where I worked for ten years as a designer and team leader. I then moved into integration and development. That's when I really discovered the value of this profession. I was able to transform what I wanted to do through my knowledge of code. After running my own web agency for several years, I was asked to join Kosmos. I now deal with design issues in the broadest sense (user experience, interface design, marketing, graphic integration) for various projects, applications and web services, as well as issues involving communication and marketing.

  • What made you want to join Kosmos?

    Education is an important element. So was the project I was presented with. And I've discovered a company where I can bring a bit of my design and innovation culture. It's a company that trusts me and where I'm listened to.

  • Can you tell us what your day-to-day life as a UX UI designer is like, as if you had to explain your job to your grandmother?

    Daily life is never really the same at Kosmos. Some mornings I arrive at the office and have to create something, come up with ideas, be creative. Other times, I have to go out and meet users, run workshops, discover a trade or practice, analyze data and come up with a Reply to a problem our users are encountering.

    In summary, when I approach a subject, I have to find out about the job of the people I'm talking to, and learn more about the day-to-day constraints of the many profiles in the world of education (CPE, teachers, students, etc.).In short, when I approach a subject, I have to find out what my contacts are doing, learn more about the day-to-day constraints of the many profiles in the world of education (CPE, Teachers, Students...), respond to the various needs identified and save them time and energy.

  • What do you love most about your job?

    I love imagining solutions that make life easier for our Users and customers. Knowing that what we produce on a daily basis has real added value for them.

  • What qualities do you think are required for this job?

    Listening is the key element. In the sense of understanding our audience, listening to them, asking them questions, and knowing how to extract Subject from the exchanges we have.

    Design means first identifying a problem and then responding to it. To do that, you have to be creative.

    You also need to be convincing. When we produce a mock-up or a prototype, we have to reassure the customer or the person who's going to buy this new service, and hear from our Users that we're going in the right direction.

  • An achievement or project that made you proud?

    Getting positive feedback from the field! When users say that what you've produced meets their needs and helps them on a daily basis, that's really valuable.

  • What are your key references in your field?

    They're very varied. Inspiration is everywhere in design. My visual culture comes from many media (web, cinema, publishing, illustration, fashion... ). There are no limits. My role as a lecturer at the Nantes School of Design also allows me to feed my visual curiosity.

  • What do you like best about Kosmos?

    The downtown location. The diversity of what I do. Working and interacting with passionate people who know their field and are willing to listen.

  • If you hadn't done this job, what would you have done?

    According to my mother, I should have become a great pianist, and for my grandfather, a cook, I think.

    Design was an obvious choice right from Secondary school. I was lucky enough to meet people who practiced this profession and I quickly fell in love with it.

  • Can you give 2 truths and 1 lie about yourself?

    I'm never satisfied.

    I'm patient.

    I'm passionate about my job.

  • Do you have a wish or an idea on your Bucket list?

    Live on love and fresh water! Why not go off into the forest for a while and live on very little.

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