Nantes Université: a new e-service to better support candidates in their training/certification project

Published on June 24, 2020 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H36

Nantes Université has launched a new application on its website to help applicants build their career path. It enables them to be oriented towards the right contact, to qualify their project, but also to involve them in the choice of their project.

New online support to make it easier for candidates to apply

Nantes Université is determined to better structure its support for candidates in their plans for continuing education and validation of prior learning.

The multiplicity of players involved in a continuing education project (job centre, employer, financial backers, training School) is complex for applicants to understand. As a result, prior to the introduction of this application, candidates would contact the university's Services, without having thoroughly investigated their project, and above all without having identified whether the Service they were contacting was the right one for their question or their project.

To facilitate the process for applicants, Nantes Université and Kosmos have therefore co-constructed the application " qualifier mon projet de formation continue à Nantes Université"available on the university's website.

Kosmos solutioning - formation continue Nantes
Kosmos solutioning - formation continue Nantes

This project was clearly formalized upstream by the Continuing Education and Confirmation of Prior Learning teams, who carried out numerous User workshops. The Kosmos solutioning teams and the university project team (the Continuing Education Support Department, the Information Systems and Digital Department and the Communications Department) were responsible for the final scoping stages. Each stage of the application's development was also punctuated by internal User tests.
This collaborative approach has resulted in a solution that optimizes the Educational counselling process for candidates for continuing education or for the validation of prior learning.

The mutual flexibility of our collaboration, the responsiveness of our exchanges and our operational efficiency enabled us to release the application in time for the period of applications for continuing education and validation of prior learning.Emmanuel Moyon, Course Engineering and Prior Learning Validation Manager

A genuine e-service for regulating incoming flows

Kosmos solutioning - projet de formation université de Nantes
Kosmos solutioning - projet de formation université de Nantes

The candidate fills in a few pages of forms to help us qualify his or her project with our training and prior learning assessment teams. In just 4 main stages, the form leads the candidate to make a commitment and reflect on what is important to build his or her career path. They answer a number of questions that enable the dedicated Services to take note of their project and its progress, to check whether the prerequisites for application have been met (professional experience, diplomas obtained, etc.), to refine their application and to validate their skills.), refine the training offer according to your profile, and find out more about possible funding. A genuine Ranking tool, it enables candidates to take an active role in choosing their training path.

If the candidate meets all the requirements and presents a concrete and successful project to benefit from a training program offered by Nantes Université, he/she will be redirected to a qualified person to help him/her build his/her pathway.If this is not the case, the candidate will be referred to a career development advisory service (Pôle emploi, APEC, Mission locale, Cap emploi, CPIR...) to help him/her define the best project according to his/her profile and preferences.

It is a structuring tool for both candidates and internal Services. It optimizes the role and work of training and Confirm services, as well as the work of candidates in defining and implementing their project. It's a useful and necessary interface. I appreciate Kosmos' efforts to make this service as easy to use as possible for the User.
Emmanuel Moyon, Pathway Engineering and Prior Learning Confirmation Manager.