The French High school in The Hague-Amsterdam ensures teaching and administrative continuity with Skolengo

Published on May 19, 2020 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H36

The French High school Vincent Van Gogh La Haye-Amsterdam (AEFE network) is spread over 2 sites: The Hague and Amsterdam. It brings together around 1,250 students from kindergarten to the end of secondary school. Céline Alric, head of the Amsterdam school and music teacher, and Elisabeth Segaud, the school's digital coordinator, tell us how they ensured teaching and administrative continuity during the closure of their schools.

Teaching continuity for primary and secondary schools

Right from the start of the lockdown, the School Principal set up fast-track training courses to support teachers who had not yet got to grips with the solution, and also to introduce them to all the features needed to maintain social and teaching links (Mailbox, Blog, Forms, etc.).
After the first week of confinement and following this accelerated training, Teachers were able to carry out their tasks remotely, thanks to the full range of functions on offer.
To avoid an explosion in the number of connections, right from the start of the lockdown we provided the Educational community with best practices for connections, as well as a schedule for disseminating information to families. The evening before, teachers publish their Assignment(s) for the following day in the Organiser textbook.

Fluidifier les bonnes pratiques ENT Skolengo
Fluidifier les bonnes pratiques ENT Skolengo

After just a few weeks of daily use of the ENT, teachers in primary and 6th grade find it very practical to be able to post work to do in the Organiser, monitor the work delivered by students and post Corrected assignments.

With Skolengo, the School is gradually establishing Teaching continuity between primary and secondary schools.

I'm very pleased to see that the primary school teachers, who were using another solution just before the lockdown, have adopted the tool so quickly. Now we're all working with a single tool, so we're able to support teaching continuity with students and parents in a unified way across the School and the group. Céline Alric, School Principal, Amsterdam

Administrative continuity has enabled parents to take care of their paperwork online

The High school Français Vincent van Gogh also uses Skolengo to carry out administrative and financial actions online, such as Consult invoicing or administrative and Teaching registration. All administrative matters are handled on the Hague site.

Tracking registration requests via the Dashboard is a real time-saver. Folders can be analyzed at a glance, with a view to any missing documents. One click is all it takes to deliver our decision to parents and track enrolment statistics throughout the campaign. Grouped mailings to families are also a great way of ensuring effective communication without wasting time.Elisabeth Segaud, digital coordinator at Lycée Français Vincent-Van-Gogh

The French High school in The Hague-Amsterdam has maintained its social ties with families.

The strong point of the tool is the direct link that management and Teachers can have with families. A multitude of communication tools are integrated into a single solution: a tool for every purpose. Céline Alric, School Principal, Amsterdam

For important information such as school closures and reopenings, the headmistress uses Mailbox and Targeted communication to keep families informed. The Teaching team distributed forms to find out, among other things, how learning was going at home.

ENT is my office. Everything is in it. It's my control center. I have access to all the commands I need to do my job as a director. I'm connected to it all day long. I feed it constantly. It's alive; that's what I like. Céline Alric, School Principal, Amsterdam

Skolengo's flexible configuration enables this two-school cluster to work in synergy.
To animate their respective Educational communities, each school has its own dedicated space according to the grade level taught (1D-2D). The High school Français de La Haye handles the administrative and financial management of the 2 schools via a single tool (Skolengo's Administration & Finance module).