Digital services for Local authorities

Published on November 25, 2020 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

At the heart of the political and societal stakes of this health crisis, digital technology has demonstrated its importance and role as a facilitator in setting up and maintaining Local authority missions. Several Local authorities have set up innovative digital services to support one of the major thrusts of their public policy: digital access for all. Tailor-made applications have been developed for Local authorities. They enable them to efficiently manage and distribute the IT equipment they have financed and made available to their local Schools.

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Digital solutions for efficient IT asset management

Until now, the management of IT assets in certain territories has been manual and time-consuming. Numerous data entries and updates had to be carried out on a daily basis to manage the flow of data; today, dematerialization has made it possible to simplify and secure the distribution of equipment, while optimizing costs. By way of example, the Grand Est region, the Occitanie region and the Haute-Garonne county have turned to a software publisher to help them simplify their procedures. Kosmos has created tailor-made applications to meet the needs of the various Local authorities.

The Grand Est region has opted for Gesmatan application that guarantees up-to-date, legitimate and secure allocation of computer equipment to Students. At the start of the 2020 school year, almost 100,000 computers were distributed to nearly 300 schools in just 3 weeks, enabling Secondary-school students to start the year with confidence. The dematerialization of the process and the precise adjustment of equipment stocks represent real savings and real-time monitoring of distribution.

The Occitanie Region uses the loRdi application application, which automatically identifies and generates the list of High schools and Students potentially eligible to receive computers, simply by exporting from the "Mon ENT en Occitanie" Digital Workspace.
With this application, the data is more reliable, constantly updated and deposited directly on the distributor's server, which then allocates the computers under controlled conditions.

For David Moutier, Head of the Occitanie Region's Educational Digital Practices Unit:

Kosmos quickly understood our needs. Kosmos' business and technical expertise during the scoping phase of the "loRdi" solution, as well as the relevance of the approach adopted, based on ENT data, enabled us to easily convince management. Thanks to this successful collaboration, the new application was implemented on schedule.

Gesmat - gestion du parc informatique
Gesmat - gestion du parc informatique

Similarly, the Counties of departments of Haute-Garonne, Ariège, Gers, Lot and Val d'Oise use a new digital service associated with the application Apple School Manager (ASM) to manage and optimize the distribution of Tablets, as explained by Christophe Hamelin, theProject Manager for the Infrastructure and Resources department of the County council of Haute-Garonne. :

To feed Apple School Manager (ASM), we need to provide a database of user accounts (students and teachers) specifying the Class and School to which they belong. Until now, we created and updated these files manually. The data was unreliable: it was impossible to keep them up to date and avoid clerical errors. The ASM export developed by Kosmos has enabled us to make the data more reliable, since it is now exported directly from ENT (updated in real time). Tracking the management of our IT assets has been simplified. This not only saves time, but also ensures data quality. Kosmos is a trusted partner. This isn't our first fruitful collaboration together: the eCollège31 ENT and the ARS (l'Aide à la Restauration Scolaire) have already been implemented.Aide à la Restauration Scolaire).

The Kosmos team develops customized digital Services

Thanks to its technical and business expertise, Kosmos offers tailor-made digital solutions via Kosmos solutioning to support all players in the education sector in their digital transformation projects. Kosmos also designs and develops specific digital Services for universities, grandes écoles and institutions.

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