Kosmos Newsletter - January 2020

Published on January 29, 2020 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

The January 2020 Newsletter is on line, featuring: The Career Explorer, the High school student's guide to Educational counselling, the new Campus Condorcet portal, the latest Skolengo online features, Kosmos reinvents itself to clarify its offer, our teams' presence at the Bett and Sett international trade fairs...

In the spotlight

Kosmos certifié Qualiopi

L'explorateur de parcours : le guide du lycéen et de l'étudiant pour choisir leur orientation (in French only)

As part of the Attendance register for the PIA Orientation (Programme d'Investissement d'Avenir) project launched by the FrenchMinistries of National Education, Higher Education and Research, and Caisse des DépôtsKosmos was selected for its project "l'explorateur de parcours (ExP)".
In partnership with the University of Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier and Pixis, Kosmos teams are offering an innovative and funinnovative and entertaining digital service for High schools and studentsdesigned toDeliver a clearer picture of the range of courses on offer at universities.

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Condorcet Campus

A new, private, connected Services Portal delivered in 10 months

Campus Condorcet, one of the world's leading humanities and social sciences research centers in the worldopened its doors in September 2019, 10 years after the project's inception. Bringing together eleven higher education and research Schoolsthe campus chose Kosmos to develop and implement its new public and connected Services Portal..

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Kosmos certifié Qualiopi


The latest online features

Skolengo, the fully-integrated EMS (Education Management Software) evolves throughout the year, in line with user feedback. Discover the latest features for schoolingSchooling, Mailbox, Management and Settings...
Find out all the latest news about the solution on our website skolengo.com or by logging on to the dedicated User site : skolengo-academy.org

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Press release

Kosmos reinvents itself to clarify its offering

Kosmos evolves its identity by creating 3 new brands based on 3 principles: innovationinnovation, l'adaptabilityandsecurityOur aim : to offer scalable, customizable and adaptable digital solutions to meet the new challenges of the education system.

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International trade shows

Kosmos certifié Qualiopi

Our Skolengo teams were present at Bett 2020 in London. Bett is a major international trade fair for educational technology, attracting over 30,000 visitors every year.

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Meet our Skolengo teams at SETT 2020 (School Education Transformation and Technology) on February 6 and 7 in Belgium. The first edition in 2019 welcomed over 75 exhibitors specializing in digital education.

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