Teaching continuity #1: how to maintain links with remote students via ENT?

[Press release]

Published on March 12, 2020 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H36

Following the closure of many schools to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, Kosmos, the specialist in digital transformation for education, has put in place emergency measures to support secondary schools in maintaining teaching continuity and links with students and families.

Interactive features already in place to ensure teaching continuity

Kosmos certifié Qualiopi

The Skolengo ENT offers a wide range of interactive features enabling Teachers to maintain the teaching link in this context of imposed containment measures.

With the Teaching binderTeacher can create their own activities using tools such as the audio recorder audio recorder, exercise, audio or video filesAttached document(s), free text, hypertext links.... They can easily distribute their activities to students, enabling them to quickly find and consult all the resources and activities transmitted by their teacher in a single location.

With the Skolengo Organiser, Teachers can upload work to do and monitor the online submission of student feedback. They can check the status of each assignment's On-line delivery. Students can be asked to deliver Pieces of work in a variety of ways: by adding text under the instructions, by adding an attached file, by using the audio recorder (Skolengo's built-in tool), or by filling in a form. For each work to do, the Teacher can produce a global Corrected assignment for distribution to several classes or groups of students, or an individual corrected assignment for each student. Students have online access to all assignments to be delivered, as well as a list of upcoming courses and the associated workload.

Skolengo is not just a platform for exchanging documents and written work, it also integrates interactive tools such as an audio recorder and video sharing, enabling students to work on oral expression as well.

Kosmos certifié Qualiopi

ENT's synchronous collaborative tools such as the Blog, forumforum chat and the Pad allow students to stay close to their Teacher. Teachers can schedule a chat session about a particular Course(s) to exchange ideas with their students live. To keep students in touch with each other, a forum can also be used, supervised by one or more teachers. This exchange mode brings an important human aspect to distance learning.

Maintain information flow between School and families via ENT

Kosmos certifié Qualiopi

On Skolengo, parents will find all the practical and concrete information they need on how the situation is developing. Schools have several ENT functions at their disposal to communicate with families on the management of this exceptional event, as well as to maintain administrative and teaching exchanges with teachers. They can circulate information via the ENT Mailboxmessaging system, use the Targeted communication to post an announcement on the Home page and use the news section to publish important information that can be consulted on your mobile at any time.
To keep families connected, ENT also offers interactive tools such as forms which, for example, enables parents to organize themselves to welcome students whose parents are not available.

Context-specific support: Webinar and Virtual class directly accessible via ENT

It is in this current health context that Kosmos plans to broadcast a Webinar to support School staff in maintaining Teaching continuity and links with families. A Webinar on the same subject had already been broadcast in 2018. Indeed, the situation of remote students can arise for hospitalized students or those practicing high-level sport, for example. It has therefore been updated following product developments and adapted more specifically to the current situation.
In view of the urgency of the situation, Kosmos is also providing access to the Virtual classes via ENT. In this way, Teachers benefit from an additional tool to support their work.