Teaching continuity #2: Covid-19, Kosmos mobilizes in the face of crisis

(Press release)

Published on March 13, 2020 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

The general closure of schools, Secondary schools, High schools, Universities and Grandes Ecoles, for an indefinite period, announced last night by the President of the Republic, creates a totally unprecedented situation for the French education system. That's why Kosmos is doing everything in its power to guarantee all its customers and millions of users a quality of service equal to the challenges.

Kosmos certifié Qualiopi
n a context never before encountered on this scale, it is important that everyone - teachers, students and non-teaching staff - can continue to pursue their activities as effectively as possible, thanks in particular to digital services.

Kosmos is committed to supporting education authorities in their efforts to cope with the current crisis in the country, whether through its Digital Workspaces (DWS) for schools, or its portals and e-services for higher education.
Kosmos has already undertaken to reinforce its infrastructures, activated its security plan, including for its staff, and adapted its settings to manage peak connections.

In this particular situation, digital services play a vital role in maintaining social links and teaching continuity. In fact, they are the ideal medium for doing so. As a major player in e-education in France, Kosmos is committed to doing everything in its power to ensure that this link is not broken. We have no doubt that this commitment will also be yours, and we'll be at your side.