Teaching continuity #4: a positive interim assessment

[Press release]

Published on March 19, 2020 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

As we indicated in our previous press release, Kosmos teams have mobilized massively to deal with the serious crisis situation and ensure Teaching continuity since the general closure of the Schools. Thanks to this unprecedented mobilization, and despite some unavoidable malfunctions on Monday, the situation is now largely under control.

Overall, our infrastructures held up well. They held up thanks to a two-tier protection strategy, known as connection tunneling, which enabled us to control the number of Users authorized to connect by Profile. This strategy also enabled us to servea 50% increase in the number of unique visitors compared with the situation prior to closure.

By Wednesday March 18, the vast majority of Kosmos ENTs were fully operational.

We are, of course, continuing our optimization actions to absorb the growing traffic to our platforms. Since Monday, the ENTs have been experiencing a constant peak in activity, which no one could have anticipated. According to Café Teaching,66% of teachers currently rely on their ENT to ensure Teaching continuity27% use other platforms, and 4% use the CNED platform.

On Monday March 16, for example, our ENT infrastructures received almost 400 million requests in a single day, with average session times tripling.

Kosmos teams must now continue to face up to the immense challenge of ensuring that students and teachers can continue to work remotely with maximum comfort.

Major new optimization actions implemented by our taskforce

  • We havedoubled the capacity of our network bridgesto reduce some of the slowness experienced over the first two days and absorb the network traffic, which tripled in two days,
  • We deployed anew versionwhich enables "hot" management of simultaneous connections by User Profile. This means thatpriority can be given to Teachers and Studentson ENT services in a Teaching context,
  • Step by step, we optimize connection tunnel thresholds to enable access tomore unique and simultaneous visitorsin progress,
  • We are also working onoptimizing our CAS authentication brickauthentication brick, in order to eliminate the slowness observed to date on some projects during the User authentication process,
  • In consultation with the Regional education authoritiesIn collaboration with the academic authorities, we disseminate best practice in the use of computers: log out as soon as you're finished, share documents using modern publication tools (blogs, shared folders, etc.) to avoid overloading the Mailbox, etc.

We'll be sure to keep you transparently informed as the situation develops. At this time, thanks to the respect of our Users' best practices, we are optimistic that we will be able to reach the objective of operational Teaching continuity for all our ENT projects.

In this context, we thank you more than ever for your confidence.