Teaching continuity #7: Back to school with distance learning, all the lights are green for ENTs

[Press release]

Published on April 30, 2021 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

With the resumption of distance learning courses in Secondary schools and High schools following the spring break, the quality of service and load-bearing capacity of ENT were once again under particular scrutiny. It's worth remembering that this year, unlike previous years, the start of the new school year took place on the same date for all schools in mainland France.

For all those involved in the Educational community - Students, Teachers, Parents - as well as for Local authorities and operators, it was important that this takeover be carried out under optimum technical and functional conditions. in optimal conditions, both technically and functionally. With just a few days to go before the takeover, Kosmos can now strongly affirm that all the indicators are in the green as far as the ENTs for which it is responsible are concerned. This was already the situation in the week before the spring vacations.

Thanks to our exemplary collaboration with the Local authorities that finance these systems, and with the Regional education authorities that run them, measures to adapt infrastructures to cope with the foreseeable surge in Practices have indeed been taken in all the regions where our company is present (4 regions, 21 regional education authorities and 49 counties).

We would also like to make it clear that it is not our company's role to comment on the conditions of access to our platforms, or even on the legitimacy (or otherwise) of the Educational community's Practices. We act as an operator under mandate from local authorities and public institutions, who alone determine the measures to be taken to adapt the technical infrastructures to meet the needs of growing Practices in each region.

Thanks to the lessons we've learnt from previous confinements, we can now affirm that this rise in usage, in an unprecedented situation of managed distance learning, is now very much in hand.Practices, is now widely understood and mastered by all stakeholders, resulting in greater ease of use for users of the SkolengoENT Skolengo.

Thus, no particular malfunction were detected by our teams on our various platforms, so that nearly 1,200,000 Students and over 100,000 Teachers who worked daily on our platforms.