Explorasup: the digital solution dedicated to Educational counselling, tested by Université Clermont Auvergne

Published on August 16, 2022 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

The Université Clermont Auvergne has chosen to join forces with Kosmos by becoming a partner in the Explorasup project, as part of a call for projects under the PIA Orientation (Programme d'Investissement d'Avenir) launched by the Ministries of National Education, Higher Education and Research, and Caisse des Dépôts.

As the pilot university for this Educational counselling tool, the Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA) shares its feedback on the implementation of Explorasup (formerly known as Explorateur Parcours - ExP) and its use by high school students and institutions.Explorasup (formerly known as Explorateur de Parcours - ExP) and its use by high school students and schools.

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Explorasup: a simple, visual and intuitive Educational counselling tool

At the AUVERSUP and the UCADuring the AUVERSUP trade show and open days, the Educational counselling teams set up an interactive terminal on their stand, where high school students, their families and teachers could discover Explorasup.

explorateur de parcours-orientation animation
explorateur de parcours-orientation animation

  • From the point of view of High school students and their parents

Parents and High school students were particularly impressed by the product's user-friendliness, with its search by subject area, presentation of courses by semester, visibility of gateways, and continuation of studies display, enabling high school students to plan their future university career.

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explorateur de parcours-orientation-passerelles

  • From the teachers' point of view

For Teachers, Explorasup is easy to navigate. Searching for information is easier. The range of courses on offer is more comprehensive and easier to read.

Laurence Gatineau, Head of Educational counselling and insertion La Fabrique - Université Clermont Auvergne

  • From UCA's point of view

Getting to grips with the tool was very easy. As we explored the navigation, we were particularly impressed by the global exploration of training courses. In just 3 clicks, we can visualize the presentation of training courses in the form of a galaxy, as well as gateways which are not as easily accessible on our website's training catalog. We had a lot of contributions to make in setting up the ExP, but now we have a high-quality, attractive and ergonomic site dedicated to Educational counselling.

Pascal Imberdis, Head of Communications, Université Clermont Auvergne
explorateur de parcours-orientation poursuite d'etudes
explorateur de parcours-orientation poursuite d'etudes

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explorateur de parcours-orientationpar domaines

Taking into account UCA's feedback before the official launch of Explorasup

Following this experience and feedback from users, the Université Clermont Auvergne suggested points for improvement to the Kosmos team, who followed their recommendations by adjusting certain functionalities:

  • A new entry by profession offers High school students the corresponding training courses.
  • High school students can view their search results in the form of a map, galaxy or list, while retaining the search filters applied.

Building on this successful experience, Pascal Imberdis, Head of Communications at the Université Clermont Auvergnehas no intention of stopping there:

This efficient and transparent collaboration is just the beginning. With the Kosmos teams, we've done some interesting work on our core business, displaying training opportunities for high school students. It's a project to be continued!

Importing training catalog data into Explorasup

To set upExplorasupthe Université Clermont Auvergne had to start by integrating all the information relating to its training catalog.

Having had a website integrating their online training catalog for 5 years, the university's teams simply had to export their existing training data to Explorasup.

The university teams then added additional data, such as contextual information on the degree, bridges for reorientation and information on study schemes, to enrich Explorasup.

The ability to synchronize the data in our training catalog with Explorasup enabled us to fill in most of the data quickly. Entering new information that didn't exist in our catalog took time, but all this work brought us a real quality of training data for High school students. What's more, the enrichment of the data created for Explorasup has made it possible to deliver a more attractive training catalog, already available on our website.

Guillaume Level, Software Engineer (DOSI) Kosmos project management at Université Clermont Auvergne

A unique Educational counselling solution that delivers on all its promises

Today's interview, Pascal Imberdis, Head of Communications at Université Clermont Auvergne takes stock of this partnership with Kosmos:

Thanks to the Career Explorer, we are able to offer high school students a complete and easy-to-use range of training courses. We offer them a new experience in discovering our training courses at trade fairs, via an interactive exploration terminal that advantageously replaces our old brochures.

If you're interested in Explorasup, our experts are here to help!