What is Explorasup, the career explorer?

logo explorasup
logo explorasup
Much more than just a training catalog, the Pathfinder is an innovative digital solution to guide high school students in their choice of Educational counselling. It enables you toexplore the field of possibilities to simulate different training courses (bac to bac+8) right through to career opportunities. Students can search according to their training or career preferences, and can choose to display their results by field, location or keyword.
This solution has been designed to improve the link with further studies, possible bridges in the event of reorientation, and targeted professions.

Aurélia Bouyge, Kosmos business expert, explains:

How can you integrate your training offer into Explorasup?

How does Explorasup guide students in their Educational counselling choices?

They tested it

logo université clermont auvergne
logo université clermont auvergne
The pilot version of Explorasup has been deployed at the Université Clermont Auvergne. One of the many strengths of this innovative online tool is its fun, ergonomic interface. High school students and their parents are attracted by the interface, which gives them a visual representation of potential training paths and existing gateways, and helps them to plan their future Educational counselling.

Read the full testimonial

How do I get started with Explorasup?

Subscriptions to Explorasup include:

  • A turnkey online portal*, hosted and managed in France,
  • Your dedicated URL in the format "nomdeletablissement.explorasup.com". Only your data will appear,
  • The Explorasup interface customized to your image (logo, graphic charter),
  • The ability to integrate Explorasup into your website ("embedded" mode),
  • Synchronization of your training offer from the most complete Repository in your information system or your website (via connectors such as Pégase, Apogée, Aurion...),
  • Access to a simple administrator interface to modify or add to the information to be displayed in Explorasup (gateways, subjects, etc.).

*SaaS: application accessible 24/7 via a web browser, no software installation or updates.

How does Kosmos support me through to launch?

Download the infographic opposite or click on it to enlarge.

Interested in Explorasup?

If you'd like to use this innovative digital solution in your School, our experts are here to help!

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démonstration explorasup
démonstration explorasup

How did the Explorasup project come about?

Find out what motivated our team and partners to design this innovative tool, and the different stages in its development.

To find out more